Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday, December 28, 2012

Dear Blog,

How do I love thee, let me count the ways.
1.  unadorned
2. unattended
3. neglected.

New year coming up.  New resolution.  Blog daily for a month and see where that goes.

We're in Santa Fe, New Mexico right now and it is cold.  What are we doing here you say?  We are looking for sunshine.  Well we found it - blue skies, sunshine and freezing temperatures.  Did you know that Santa Fe is 7000 feet above sea level?  Maybe we should have checked this  out before our little road trip.  Maybe we should have gone to Hawaii.  Oh, well.  Next month maybe.

We've been to Astoria, Oregon, Grants Pass, Oregon, Sacramento, California, Yosemite National Park, Vasilia, California, Sequioia National Park, Highland, California, Palm Springs, California, Scottsdale, Arizona, Flagstaff, Arizona, Albuquerque, New Mexico and Santa Fe, New Mexico so far on this trip and most of the time we stayed at Hampton Inns.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Blogging why do it?

Why do I blog?  I am testing the waters of writing random thoughts into coherent sentences.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mick passed away

Here it is August 3rd and my January resolution has fallen by the wayside.  Since January my brother Mick has passed away.  He died at home after being in the hospital.  He wanted nothing more than to go home.   He had a great day with his son Jim.  The sun was out and Jim had mowed Mick's lawn that day.  Afterwards they enjoyed a good conversation.  I really think Mick died a happy man.  His family rallied to his aid and made him as comfortable as possible.  It meant a lot to him to be at home when he died.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy.  - Ernest Benn

This seems especially true today.  The state is short a couple of billion for the next two years.  To make it up our fearless leaders have decided a slash and burn philosophy will fix the problem.  Instead of this solution they could try convincing the citizens that reform of the tax structure would be appropriate.  But then they may not get elected if they say the 'I' Tax word.  Wish we had truly fearless leaders in these difficult times instead of the timid ones we voted into office.
Visited my brother today who used to post on a blog of his own quite regularly.  He talked about having a near death experience.  He said he could feel himself just fading away.  It was a weird experience he said.  There was a good looking nurse that he feels saved his life.  If it hadn't been for her he would have gone off to Lala Land.  Death was imminent he felt.  That was the one subject that he spoke of with any continuity today.  He seemed to come out of a fog when he discussed this experience.  He seems so sad and lonely.  Wish he would consider moving to an independent/assisted  living situation. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Resolved - will post at least once a day for 5 minutes at a time.

Today I am posting for the first time since I set this blog up in October 2009.  I want to see how this goes.  Just thoughts that run through my head of interest to me and maybe no one else.

Today I bought a used paperback Mark Twain book with several stories in it from Duval Books.  Talking of Mark Twain stories, Huckleberry Finn is on my computer in e-book format. So, I searched for the offending word.  It was there so many times I lost count.  No wonder there is an effort to ban the book or change it to more acceptable language for today.  That word is disgusting.  It shows no respect for Jim at all.  The word was used commonly in those days.  I can't imagine in my mind that it was with respect that they used it then.

My 5 minutes are up so I will close for now.  More tomorrow.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Where did my post go?? I forgot to publish it. So it went to the ether. Darn it anyway.